The Sonder Blog

Review of “I’m Glad My Mom Died”
By: Kelsey Wooten, LPC TW: eating disorders, abuse, addiction I recently discovered how wonderful audiobooks are. I can listen while I do chores, go for a walk, or on my drive to work. On a whim I decided to listen to “I’m Glad My Mom Died” by Jennette McCurdy after...

Holidays and Family Drama
By: Kelsey Wooten, LPC Thanksgiving and other winter holidays give us an opportunity to spend time family and friends, some we only see once or twice a year. Some families get along with very little conflict, others' can produce anxiety, avoidance, or an outright...

What is SAD or Seasonal Affect Disorder?
By: Kelsey Wooten, LPC Do you or someone you know experience mood changes depending on the season? Feel sad when summer comes when everyone else seems elated for warm weather? Or when the days get shorter in the cold months and everyone else seems festive? This could...