
230 S. Bemiston Ave, Ste 1006, Clayton, MO 63105

Office hours

Mon – Fri By Appt.
Admin Mon- Fri 9 am -5pm

The Sonder Blog

Locus of Control

Locus of Control

By: Sarah Rapisardo, LPC In a world where there are so many external factors out of our control, it can easily feel like we don’t have much control over our lives or what happens to us. To some extent, there is truth to that sentiment. In any given circumstance, there...

Finding Shared Connection

Finding Shared Connection

During the covid-19 quarantine I had a friend that lived alone on the east coast, so we often Facetimed for socialization. During that time she was going through her ‘witchy era’ and we started discussing horoscopes and the different apps you can find. We even got my...

Taboo Topics in Therapy

Taboo Topics in Therapy

  By: Kelsey Wooten, LPC Imagine this: I’m sitting with a client and we’re discussing their romantic relationship. I can tell by the client’s body language and vague word choices that they want to talk about their sex life but they are nervous/uncomfortable with...

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