By: Kelsey Wooten, LPC
We’ve all nights where we didn’t sleep well, and then the next day seems so much harder. We lose our temper faster, the day drags on, and we feel moodier than usual. Typically your caffeine intake will be higher than usual and all day your consumed with anticipation of getting back to bed. If this happens to you more often then you would like, you may want to check up on your sleep hygiene.
What is sleep hygiene?
Sleep hygiene is the environment you sleep in and your behavior patterns around sleep.
How does sleep impacts your health?
– Lack of sleep can make it harder to regulate your emotions
– Poor sleep negatively impacts focus, concentration, and memory
– Lack of sleep can cause feelings of lethargy or fatigue
– Poor sleep can cause mental health disorders to become worse
– Long term sleep issues can have a negative impact on your physical health
How can you improve your sleep hygiene?
– Have the same wake and sleep time
– Make sure your space is quiet and dark
– Comfortable temperature
– Avoid big meals, nicotine, or alcohol before bed
– Limit caffeine intake or drink morning or early afternoon
– Put some movement in your day so that you’re physically tired in the evening
– Get fresh air and sunlight during the day (for your circadian rhythm)
– Only using your bed for sleep and sex
– Prioritize sleep and get enough of it
– Limit napping during the day
– Have a bedtime routine
– Wind down in the evening before bed by doing relaxing hobbies (reading, puzzle, music/podcast, journal)
– Limit screen time an hour or two before bed
What if I can’t sleep?
– Get out of bed and go to another comfortable space and do a relaxing activity (that doesn’t involve a screen) until you become sleepy
– Engage your senses such as lavender scent, soft plush pillows/blankets, white noise, darkness or low lighting
– If you find that your having anxiety or thinking about something stressful trying writing it down
– Consult your doctor
– Talk to a Therapist
**Remember making behavior changes takes time, start small and build over time.
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