
230 S. Bemiston Ave, Ste 1006, Clayton, MO 63105

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Mon – Fri By Appt.
Admin Mon- Fri 9 am -5pm

By: Kelsey Wooten, LPC

As we move toward the end of the year, we are often asked what our resolutions for the next year will be. While setting new goals or resolutions for yourself is important, it is just as crucial to look back at the year you had. Grab a journal or open your notes app and ask yourself these questions: 

  • What lessons did you learn? 
  • What mistake did you make?  
  • What did you accomplish? 
  • What will you do better in the future? 
  • Where did you grow? 
  • Did you surprise yourself? 
  • What emotional pain did you go through this year?

Once you have reflected and answered some of these questions, you can begin to ask yourself about the future:

  • What goals do I want to achieve in the coming year? 
  • Who do I want to spend more time with? 
  • What kinds of things do I want to fill my time with? 
  • How will I take care of myself? (physical, mental, spiritual, emotional) 

The end of the calendar year, and the beginning of a new one can be an incredibly busy time. In order to set yourself up for success, give yourself time and space to reflect on the year you’ve had. Honor how you’ve changed and the new things you tried, even if it didn’t go well. When setting goals for yourself, remember to make them SMART, meaning that they are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound. When we do this we are more likely to achieve our goals, because we have steps we can follow, and how to get there. 

For example: My goals is to learn Spanish before my trip
Specific: I will practice my Spanish five days a week for a half hour
Measurable: I will keep track in my planner, and do this every week until my trip
Attainable: This is attainable for me, because I have a half hour of time after work that I can fill with Spanish instead of TV or scrolling on my phone
Relevant: This trip is important me, and I want to challenge myself
Time: I will do this every week until my trip in six months  

Finally, give yourself grace if you lapse on your goal. Ask yourself what caused you to fall off, and begin again. You don’t have to wait! You can start a goal at any time and begin again.