The Sonder Blog

What Labor Day and Mental Health Have In Common
By: Kelsey Wooten, LPC Labor day is the unofficial end of summer, and is usually spent soaking up the sun at the pool or on a patio eating a hot dog - but why does the holiday exist? On June 28, 1894 Labor Day was signed into law during the industrial revolution to...

Grieving the Loss of a Pet
By: Kelsey Wooten, LPC Growing up we had a cat named Bailey - he is a constant in my childhood memories. A memory that sticks with me is that every year on Christmas morning as we unwrapped gifts we would throw the wrapping paper in the middle of the room and watch...

Boundaries Around the News
By: Kelsey Wooten, LPC Back before social media ruled our world, the news was broadcasted on the radio, printed in newspapers, or people tuned into the morning or evening news. Unless it was “breaking news”, we had time off from the consumption of information. For...