The Sonder Blog
The Importance of Social Connection
By: Deborah Tannen Baum, LCSW No member of a crew is praised for the rugged individuality of his rowing." - Ralph Waldo Emerson Rugged individualism has been associated with American culture since President Herbert Hoover coined the term almost a century ago. It’s...
Neurodivergent Parenting
By: Annette Jansen, MA, PLPC Parenting is easy - said no one EVER! Parenting comes with many challenges including temper tantrums, being able to financially provide, time management, discipline, competing with electronics, education, work/family balance, meal...
Just Start
By: James Ahearn JD, LPC Just start. Two small words sound so simple and yet they offer us such a great challenge. Like many of us, too many times I have sat in front of a blank screen, shuffled new running shoes from closet to closet, or side-eyed a pile of laundry...