The Sonder Blog

When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed, Just Do the Next Small Thing
By: Sarah Rapisardo, LPC Do you ever dream of reaching your goals, feeling ready to tackle a new project, getting excited about what the future holds.... and then you just feel stuck because getting there seems so daunting? Sometimes taking on a new task can feel so...

We Grieve the Small Stuff Too
By: Kelsey Wooten, M.Ed, LPC Heraclitus once said that “the only constant in life is change. This is true - throughout our lives, we grow and change physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. We also experience change as people come and go, love someone who...

What Happens When We Misstep in a Conversation and How to Make Repairs
By: Kelsey Wooten, LPC, When we have passionate debates around topics such as civil rights, race, religion, and politics things can get messy - we can misspeak, get the facts wrong, sound ignorant, or say something intentionally or unintentionally hurtful. When...