The Sonder Blog

Once Small Act of Kindness
By: Jackie DeWald, LPC I was born with a physical disability that affected my legs, speech, and my eyes. I had surgery when I was 10 years old, and before then (and now) walked in my own kind of gait. Now, I know what you’re thinking: this is a little intense for a...

Emotional Bookmarking
By: Sarah Rapisardo, LPC There are no “bad” emotions, but there are certainly some uncomfortable ones. Depression, sadness, guilt, grief, anger, and hurt are some prime examples of those emotions that can be difficult to deal with or embrace. Sometimes when a wave of...

Is Your Relationship Unhealthy or Abusive?
by: Kelsey Wooten, LPC People come to counseling for many of life's problems - relationship troubles being one of them. Often, a person will tell a story in session about an argument or situation that occurred, and we have to stop and discuss what abuse is. What is...