The Sonder Blog

You Should See Someone: A Guide to Help to Find the Right Therapist for You
By: Kelsey Wooten, LPC First things first, I will be using the word ”counselor” and “therapist” interchangeably throughout this blog post. Secondly, your therapist will probably not have you lay down on a couch as you see in the movies. As a mental health professional...

Do You Have Goals and Resolutions for The New Year?
By: Kelsey Wooten, LPC As we move toward the end of the year, we are often asked what our resolutions for the next year will be. While setting new goals or resolutions for yourself is important, it is just as crucial to look back at the year you had. Grab a journal or...

How To: Sober Breathing Space Technique
By: Sarah Rapisardo, LPC Sober Breathing Space When faced with a stressful scenario, it can be easy to get stuck in the pattern of reacting immediately in the moment without first reflecting. Reactions can be autopilot responses that happen without any forethought...