Learn About Sarah Engle (She/Her)
Those Who Help You Tell Your Story
Sarah Engle, PLPC
Charles Bukowski poses the following question in his novel, Post Office: Who were you, before the world told you who you should be? In my work as a counselor, my goal is to help each of my clients answer this question. The process of figuring out who we are underneath the masks which the people around us ask us to wear is often a painful, arduous process. However, as a counselor, I am with my clients every step of the way through this process. Together, my clients and I are like fellow archeologists, sifting through the dirt that society layers on top of each of us, so that we can uncover the gems hidden underneath; gems that show my clients who they truly are and what they truly need in their relationships. I focus a lot on relationships with my clients, as I believe that our relationships (which includes the society we live in) is the soil from which our thoughts and feelings grow. In relationship work with my clients, I focus on the following: helping my clients identify and clarify their personal values, boundary-setting, and communication skills.
The theory behind my practice is strongly influenced by person-centered therapy, and relational therapies such as Relational-Cultural Therapy. However, I also lean heavily on behavior therapies such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy. I have experience working in grief and bereavement, with clients who have experienced traumatic loss, as well as with clients who are living with anxiety, depression, and/or personality disorders. I am open to working with individuals, as well as with partners. I am familiar with and knowledgeable about polyamory, and am comfortable working with multiple partners together in one session. I proudly identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community and am passionate about working with clients who also identify as being a part of that community. In addition, my practice as a counselor is sex-positive, and weight-inclusive.